A Short Term Wet Lease refers to the leasing of an aircraft under ACMI terms between two airlines, both holding active operational licenses. The leasing period typically ranges from 7 to 30 days.
Reasons why airlines may choose such leasing arrangements:
Wet lease agreements are commonly conducted under ACMI terms. In certain cases, if conditions and regulations permit, they can also be arranged as AMI leases.
The airline leasing out the aircraft is required to meet the following ACMI requirements during the lease period:
ACMI: This acronym stands for Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance, and Insurance.
The airline that leases its aircraft under a wet lease arrangement must provide the following ACMI requirements to the lessee airline during the lease period. Below is the breakdown of the ACMI requirements:
ACMI: This acronym is derived from the first letters of the words Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance, and Insurance.
JAZZJET Aviation has extensive experience in long-term wet lease arrangements. Below are some examples from our numerous lease agreements in this area:
For the upcoming season, the following long-term wet lease negotiations are currently ongoing:
Services Offered in Wet Lease Arrangements:
JAZZJET Aviation, in long-term wet lease arrangements, can provide local support upon customer request. Through our extensive network of representative offices, we are able to offer assistance at the locations where flights are conducted, including crew transfers, hotel bookings, fuel, and handling services.
Throughout the lease period, all operations can be monitored 24/7 by JAZZJET’s operations offices, and detailed reports can be provided to customers regarding the process. In case of any issues during the operation, the customer will be immediately informed, and solution-oriented support will be provided.
Thanks to our dedicated legal department, composed of experienced attorneys, we are able to draw up agreements that protect the mutual rights of our clients.
With our team of specialized accountants, we ensure that all payments are tracked, helping prevent any commercial risks for our customers.
This method is designed to prevent payment delays in all wet lease arrangements. Airlines that deposit a predetermined amount into the fund can easily make payments from this fund, particularly in urgent lease and AOG (Aircraft on Ground) situations, thus avoiding any delays caused by payment issues. Information on fund amounts and application details is available upon request.
To make a Wet Lease In arrangement, please check our current aircraft list here. A quote for your preferred aircraft will be provided immediately.
If you wish to list your aircraft for Wet Lease Out, please easily list your aircraft using the button below.